Tonic natural health mythbusting menstruation part 3 testosteron

Mythbusting Menstruation: Part 3

Testosterone? In women? What? Okay, so I know when you hear testosterone you picture Rambo, but it’s actually really important for women too. While women have about 15 times less testosterone than men, the tiny amount we do have contributes to a healthy libido, muscle mass and bone strength, energy, mood, clear thinking and decision-making.…

Tonic natural health women´s hormones mythbusting menstruation part 2

Mythbusting Menstruation: Part 2

PMS, the syndrome that has spawned a thousand acronyms! The internet will give you many “definitions” of PMS. Many are not particularly flattering to women, and show a certain culture of disdain and dismissal, but some actually describe common premenstrual symptoms. For example, ‘Pissy Mood Syndrome’ or ‘Psychotic Mood Shift’ show the anger and irritability,…