Tonic natural health mythbusting menstruation part 3 testosteron

Mythbusting Menstruation: Part 3

Testosterone? In women? What? Okay, so I know when you hear testosterone you picture Rambo, but it’s actually really important for women too. While women have about 15 times less testosterone than men, the tiny amount we do have contributes to a healthy libido, muscle mass and bone strength, energy, mood, clear thinking and decision-making.…

Tonic natural health egg sperm health

Egg & Sperm Health

Targeting the health of the egg and sperm through diet and supplementation makes a HUGE difference to fertility outcomes. Firstly let’s look at the egg You want the quality of the egg to be the best it can be (think free-range organic VS cage eggs) so it can survive the sperm “attack” and the journey…