Tonic natural health 7 ways to boost your fertility naturally

7 ways to boost your fertility naturally

1.Work towards a healthy BMI Both Mum and Dad need to ensure that they are in their healthy weight range. Carrying excess weight impacts upon our hormones and therefore, for mum, this can reduce ovulation and for dad, extra weight will affect both testosterone levels and affect sperm production. Being underweight can be just as…

Tonic natural health tea for fertility

Tea for Fertility

I love the ritual of making herbal tea…I love using my favourite teapot and cup, the teas too are fragrant and a perfect source of easily absorbable vitamins and minerals. Of course if you know me, you have probably tried one of my herbal medicine tonics and no, they do not taste amazing, unlike my…

Tonic natural health how to get pregnant

How to Get Pregnant….Fast!

If you’re looking for help getting pregnant, you’ve come to the right place. At Tonic Natural Health, we specialise in fertility, offering advice, consultations, as well as our tailored Fertility Formula program. Read this blog post to find out how to get pregnant quickly, thanks to understanding your menstrual cycle. Getting pregnant with Tonic Natural…

Tonic natural health eating for ultimate fertility

Eating for Ultimate Fertility

Good nutrition is vital for preconception health as well as through your pregnancy and beyond. Nutrition is the building block for both the egg, sperm and also ensuring the mother has a sufficient storage of nutrients so that she isn’t depleted throughout her pregnancy. Starting to eat well when you find out you are pregnant…

Tonic natural health fertility friendly foods

Fertility Friendly Foods

There is a really strong link between diet and fertility. Providing your body the nutrients it needs to make a strong healthy baby is super important. Depending on what your diet is now, and where it needs to be for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, you may need to spend 3-6 months prior to conception cleaning up…

Tonic natural health fertility blood tests

Fertility Tests

Before the preganancy When you first start to think about having a baby, the majority of people will just stop using contraception and get started on the baby making process! However it is super important to have some blood tests done at this point because some deficiencies may prevent pregnancy from occurring, some may make…

Alcohol and fertility

Alcohol & Fertility

Why alcohol won’t help you increase your chances of getting pregnant” We all know that it’s not recommended to drink while pregnant because it could harm your baby, but did you know that alcohol can have a devastating impact on your fertility? The findings from studies done around the world are indisputable. Alcohol should be…

Tonic natural health egg sperm health

Egg & Sperm Health

Targeting the health of the egg and sperm through diet and supplementation makes a HUGE difference to fertility outcomes. Firstly let’s look at the egg You want the quality of the egg to be the best it can be (think free-range organic VS cage eggs) so it can survive the sperm “attack” and the journey…

Tonic natural health reducce your stress fertility

Stress & Fertility

The way your body deals with stress is to send out chemical markers that increase inflammation, in the hope that the inflammation will attract other things in our blood that will heal the stress. However, our body perceives all stress the same, whether it is a cut or burn, or psychological stress like a bad…

Tonic natural health clean up your environment

Clean Up Your Environment

We are exposed to toxins in our environment almost everywhere we turn but we can make our own environments a safe haven from chemical onslaught through our choices in our cleaning products, cookware, house paint, carpet, deodorant, makeup, food, and water. Products harming our fertility Examining each and every product we come into contact with…