Tonic Natural Health Starting a wheat free lifestyle

Wheat-free life – how to get started

A wheat-free diet can have an extensive range of health benefits for many of us. However, with wheat found in such a vast array of food products, it can be initially confusing to know how to get started with a wheat-free life. Here are some tips to help you find alternatives to wheat, as well as some of the many benefits of cutting out wheat altogether …

Tonic natural health restore your gut health

Restore your gut health

I am sure by now that you are aware that your gut health is uber important for your overall health and well-being. Not only does it provide absorption of nutrients, improve your immune system but also helps to balance brains neurotransmitters. In terms of immune support, the gut bacteria directly provides protection for the lining…

How to Detox for Health

Detoxification remains one of the core concepts of naturopathic medicine. At a clinical level, effective detoxification is far more than a focus on the liver detoxification pathways. The skin, lymphatics, bowel, kidneys and respiration are all other essential systems to support during a truly holistic detoxification program, yet often overlooked and forgotten. In my clinic,…

When the party’s over…

It makes me ridiculously happy to see so many of my clients having achieved their health goals this year. Coming into the festive season, with extra party foods and drinks, can though undo some of the good work that has been done on improving gut health. Higher alcohol, gluten and sugar intake can all lead…

Don’t Wait for Losing Weight

Healthy eating is SO important but never forget that exercise is an integral part of any type of weight loss program. It has a beneficial impact on appetite, and provides long-term health benefits. For most patients it’s recommended to aim for, or build up to, 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, where you are puffing…

Winter is Coming…

Are you at the mercy of winter each year? Do those dreaded colds and flus leave you and your family with runny noses, coughs, sore throats, headaches, fevers and fatigue through the winter months? These symptoms are often the leading cause of time away from school and work. Now is the perfect time to boost…

Tonic natural health tea for fertility

Tea for Fertility

I love the ritual of making herbal tea…I love using my favourite teapot and cup, the teas too are fragrant and a perfect source of easily absorbable vitamins and minerals. Of course if you know me, you have probably tried one of my herbal medicine tonics and no, they do not taste amazing, unlike my…

Tonic natural health herbs for health

Herbs for Health

Herbs – what a wonderful gift nature has provided us with. As the musician Jacqueline du Pre once said “the intense perfumes of the wild herbs as we trod them underfoot made us feel almost drunk.” And it’s true, not only can their heady scents intoxicate us but can also invoke memories of baked dinners,…

Tonic natural health eating for ultimate fertility

Eating for Ultimate Fertility

Good nutrition is vital for preconception health as well as through your pregnancy and beyond. Nutrition is the building block for both the egg, sperm and also ensuring the mother has a sufficient storage of nutrients so that she isn’t depleted throughout her pregnancy. Starting to eat well when you find out you are pregnant…

Tonic natural health fertility friendly foods

Fertility Friendly Foods

There is a really strong link between diet and fertility. Providing your body the nutrients it needs to make a strong healthy baby is super important. Depending on what your diet is now, and where it needs to be for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, you may need to spend 3-6 months prior to conception cleaning up…