tonic natural health benefits of staycation

You say vacation, I say staycation

When deciding your holiday schedule for the year, take into account which option is best for your health, not just your work commitments. There is even evidence now that opting for a staycation – holiday at home has health benefits. Have you been saving all your holidays to go on an amazing end-of-year trip? Well, research is showing that squirrelling away holiday

Tonic natural health 7 ways to boost your fertility naturally

7 ways to boost your fertility naturally

1.Work towards a healthy BMI Both Mum and Dad need to ensure that they are in their healthy weight range. Carrying excess weight impacts upon our hormones and therefore, for mum, this can reduce ovulation and for dad, extra weight will affect both testosterone levels and affect sperm production. Being underweight can be just as…

Don’t Wait for Losing Weight

Healthy eating is SO important but never forget that exercise is an integral part of any type of weight loss program. It has a beneficial impact on appetite, and provides long-term health benefits. For most patients it’s recommended to aim for, or build up to, 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, where you are puffing…

Tonic natural health herbs for health

Herbs for Health

Herbs – what a wonderful gift nature has provided us with. As the musician Jacqueline du Pre once said “the intense perfumes of the wild herbs as we trod them underfoot made us feel almost drunk.” And it’s true, not only can their heady scents intoxicate us but can also invoke memories of baked dinners,…

Tonic natural health eating for ultimate fertility

Eating for Ultimate Fertility

Good nutrition is vital for preconception health as well as through your pregnancy and beyond. Nutrition is the building block for both the egg, sperm and also ensuring the mother has a sufficient storage of nutrients so that she isn’t depleted throughout her pregnancy. Starting to eat well when you find out you are pregnant…

Tonic natural health fertility friendly foods

Fertility Friendly Foods

There is a really strong link between diet and fertility. Providing your body the nutrients it needs to make a strong healthy baby is super important. Depending on what your diet is now, and where it needs to be for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, you may need to spend 3-6 months prior to conception cleaning up…