Tonic Natural Health Starting a wheat free lifestyle

Wheat-free life – how to get started

A wheat-free diet can have an extensive range of health benefits for many of us. However, with wheat found in such a vast array of food products, it can be initially confusing to know how to get started with a wheat-free life. Here are some tips to help you find alternatives to wheat, as well as some of the many benefits of cutting out wheat altogether …

tonic natural health the 10 minute workout you can do at home

The 10-minute workout you can do at home

Moving your body is so incredibly important for your health, and yet for so many of us, it’s low on the priority list. It might be a little too hot, a little too late or a little bit too much effort to drive to a gym, and struggle your way through an hour long class. But sneaking some extra exercise into your day …

How to Detox for Health

Detoxification remains one of the core concepts of naturopathic medicine. At a clinical level, effective detoxification is far more than a focus on the liver detoxification pathways. The skin, lymphatics, bowel, kidneys and respiration are all other essential systems to support during a truly holistic detoxification program, yet often overlooked and forgotten. In my clinic,…

Tonic natural health herbs for health

Herbs for Health

Herbs – what a wonderful gift nature has provided us with. As the musician Jacqueline du Pre once said “the intense perfumes of the wild herbs as we trod them underfoot made us feel almost drunk.” And it’s true, not only can their heady scents intoxicate us but can also invoke memories of baked dinners,…